Faust, enter Ranged Stance (D-pad Left), lock on to enemies with RB and press B to attack (Xbox controller). Drop through the hole to where the 4 Monster Nests are, and you are expected to ruin 4 Blood Clots.

Play to the last checkpoint of Mission 13, where the Divinity Statue is.
Faust Level 4 upgrade if you can not afford it, get the Level 2 or 3 in the meantime and upgrade it later on. On the right side of the roadway, jump up to the hole in a building to find concealed Red Orbs in a room and get the "Where The Red Orbs Grow" achievement.

This offers your family pets a lot more health. Purchase the following abilities to make things much easier: Griffon Vigor, Griffon Vigor 2, Shadow Vigor, Shadow Vigor 2. Constantly summon the Nightmare when your devils'health gets low. When summoning the Nightmare (needs 3 purple bars of Devil Trigger), their health immediately recuperates. You can see their health bars in the leading left corner of the screen. You can not let your 2 shadow animals, Griffon and Shadow, go down. The only hard part in Mission 05 is the last boss. If you have problem with this, play on the most affordable difficulty. If you take too long or leave, the "Menace From Above" will pull back. You can concentrate on it with RB to see the health bar. Eliminating the "Menace From Above" is optional. Due to the fact that you have to ruin the Blood Clot to advance, it is unmissable. The very first one is at the start of the storage facility, where you need to damage the 2nd Blood Clot of this mission. There are several of these in Mission 05. The "Menace From Above" is a large arm that comes through the ceiling to assault you. The Nightmare will come leaping through a wall of a building and you will get the "Backroad" achievement.

Press LB to summon a Nightmare (huge colossus that battles for you). At this moment, charge up 3 bars on the purple Devil Trigger gauge (by eliminating enemies).
A huge battle will occur on this street, and you get a tutorial on how to use Devil Trigger enthusiasts for Shadow and Griffon. Get over the train bridge in Mission 04, you will go through a building and after that enter a street. Easy "Where The Red Orbs Grow" Achievement.Easy "Protect The People" Achievement.